Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Recent Referendum for Electoral Reform in the United Kingdom Essay

The Recent Referendum for Electoral Reform in the United Kingdom - Essay Example The differences get critically ionized out and explicated in this analysis. This research focuses on ideas and opinions of both the public and the political analysts. The research focuses on analyzing the ideas, opinions and facts that lead to the choosing of FPTP over AV. The research tries to expose the hassle between the anti-AV and the pro-AV. The anti-AV’s support the current referendum, First-Past-The-Post, a system that allows a small voters’ number to do the elections. They claim that the current referendum stabilizes the government and reflects the peoples will at all time. The anti-AV and the pro-AV seem to disagree on elections done by a small number of voters. The anti-AV also complains on the complexity of the Alternative Vote referendum. The origin of the problem is the peoples need to make the voting process more democratic by handing over the voting power to the whole citizens rather than to the small representative group. Their argument is that lots of votes get wasted under the current system. This system allows a small representative group of individuals to vote thus discouraging people from voting. The major weakness this first-past-the-post system, they say, is the fact that two out of three of the MPs get elected into the Westminster while having less than half of the voters’ votes and this challenges democracy and decreases the authenticity of MPs. They claim that this system forces citizens to work harder for their votes and access a larger electorate crosssection. Weaknesses of the approach Substantial information gets sought from the public. This is a weakness because the media receives an enormous power over information, which is likely to be distorted. Voters develop the notion that the candidate receiving the highest media attention is the ones likely to win the election. A candidate new to the politics game, lacking a track record, initially tends to got support from the majority voters, eventually ceases to be one of the two popular candidates; thus receiving fewer votes, portraying them as a lower poller for the future elections, perpetuating the situation. Strengths of the approach The approach exhausts all the possible information sources. This allows for quality analysis because the information acquired is from different sources enhancing reliability. It provides the public with reliable information because the information put forward after the research has been critically analyzed and evaluated. Importance of the research approach This research approach provides information to the public and other interested parties while it enlightens them on issues concerning the AV and FTPT. Analysis of the case study It can be argued that in FTPT it is impossible to determine why a certain vote got cast, compared to the AV system. This is because the system allows casting of votes for any person even those who have no chance of winning. In this case, the people feel votes casted for other insign ificant runners have no justification and no explanation. Another argument over the FTPT is that it promotes the statement, â€Å"all votes, not for the primary candidate or the secondary favorite candidate, are votes for the primary candidateâ€Å". It simply implies that when a vote is cast for a candidate other than the two principal contenders, the vote promotes the primary candidate. Since the primary candi

Monday, October 28, 2019

Abnormality - deviating from what is normal Essay Example for Free

Abnormality deviating from what is normal Essay The meaning of abnormality is deviating from what is normal, this sounds simple enough, but what do we classify as being normal. Statistical infrequency is one approach of trying to define normal and abnormality by using statics to identify certain behaviors within a population and does this correctly, but it does not however identify which behaviors within a population need treatment (undesirable). For example trait anxiety, someone with high trait anxiety would be advise to have some sort of treatment, however someone with low trait anxiety is hardly clinical abnormality and could be desirable. So there would be seen to be a glitch in this definition of abnormality, as it does not define how behaviors maybe seen as desirable or undesirable. Furthermore against this definition of abnormality is that the statics only relate to one source of population and does not apply to any other age groups or cultures. Two more attempts of defining abnormality are the Failure to Function Adequately theory and also the Deviation From Social Norms. Failure to Function Adequately basically means unable to perform a normal state of every day living, and it is the social groups them selves that contribute to determine what is a normal state of living, and if an individual is unable to function adequately, that would suggest that they have a abnormal behavior. Rosenhan Seligman (1989) suggested seven concepts of abnormal behavior, that by then selves would not suggest someone is abnormally but if one or two of the behaviors did occur then the individual would be seen as being abnormal. The seven concepts of behavior that Rosenhan Seligman came up with was: Suffering-This is a key feature to abnormality but yet almost all normal individuals endure suffering, for example losing a loved one. Maladativeness- This behavior prevents the individual of making major life goals, for example creating a good relationship with another or unable to work efficiently. Vividness and unconventionality of behavior- This behavior is aimed at when an individual behaves differently in situations to those surrounding them. Unpredictability and loss of control- Abnormal individuals behavior is often uncontrollable. Observer discomfort-This is even the observer fells uncomfortable with another individuals behavior. This concept of behavior may differ between other cultures. Violation of moral and ideal standards-this behavior concerns the established moral standards within a population, but the majority of people may fail to maintain those standards.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Secularism in India | Evaluation

Secularism in India | Evaluation The term secularism has its origin in Europe. This term was first used during the end of the Thirty years war (Europe) in the year 1648.During that period secularism merely meant transfer of church properties to the king or the state. Secularism played a major role in the French revolution and later this term formulated by George Holyoake from England to refer to the various rationalist movements under him in the year1851. Through this term he analysed his views of promoting social order without the domination of any culture or religious beliefs. Hence secularism can be defined as process by which sectors of society and culture are removed from the domination of religious institutions and symbols.  [1]  In west, secularism is referred to as separation of church from the state. Many religious leaders, journalists, politicians firmly believe that west is secular but however minorities are dominated by religion. The secularization thesis clearly states that in the west Christianity is declining, the number of people going to church have reduced considerably .At the same time secularism is also prevalent in the public forum like schools, universities, different institutions and also work place. The discussions are completely based on secular basis. Secularism in the west is a complete exception to the global trend. But however this too is subjected to a few exceptions like Africa, Latin America and also in the south East, Christianity is a dominated religion and culture. In few regions of Africa, middle east and Asia, Islam is taking a powerful shape. In the west secular policy was very strong among the Jews. The founder of Zionism , Theodor Herzl and other founders of political Zionism were strong secularists. The most important principle stated by George Holyoake is: Secularism is a name given to a series of principles of positivism intended for the guidance of those who find theology indefinite or inadequate or deem it unreliable.  [2]  This clearly states that there is a wide path between secular principles and theology. In the 19th century the concept of secularism gave rise to a number of other different ideas like nationalism, feminism, socialism etc. Nationalism was a very strong secular force implying that in many nations religion played a subordinate role. However in India, secularism is a different concept as compared to the west. The framers of the Indian Constitution did not follow the western principles. In India the features of a secular state are: All people have the equal freedom of conscience and religion. There is no discrimination on the grounds of religion. There are no communal electorates The state has the power to regulate any activity (economic, social) that is concerned with religion. Untouchability has been declared illegal by article 17. Every religious denomination has the right to establish institutions for promoting religious knowledge and charity. No citizen will be discriminated on grounds of religion in employment matters under state and admission in educational institutions. State revenue cannot be used to promote any kind of religious activity. Hence secularism was added to the Indian constitution by the 42nd amendment of 1976 to preserve the rich heritage culture of India. The preamble clearly states that We the people of India having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a Sovereign Secular Democratic Republic  [3]  . The purpose of adding the word secular to our constitution was established in the case M.P Gopalakrishna nair vs state of kerela  [4]  . This was done to promote national unity and universal brotherhood. Secularism according to the court was prevention of establishing a state religion or formation of a atheist society. The Hindi word of secularism is dharmanirapekshata which means indifference towards all religion. However the state is against the religious social evils like sati, female infanticide, polygamy, child marriage etc. HISTORY OF SECULARISM In India secularism was founded in 5th century B.C, when the Jains,Buddhists and charavakas rejected the power and authority of the Vedas and idols and considered it as a false belief. Religion has always been an important aspect of peoples life because India is not a monoreligious country. India s old hindu scriptures like the Upanishads also emphasise on secular principles. According to the people it was impossible to separate religion from their social life. This mindset began to change when the East India Company established their power and control in India. The British instituted different laws for Hindus, Muslims, Parsis, Christians and Sikhs. This laid foundation for the divide and rule policy. Different religious sects began to establish religious institutions and places of worship giving priority to a particular religion. Previously rulers like satavahnas, guptas, moghuls and kushanas paid equal respect to all religion. In the pre independence and post independence era there had been a consistent increase in the concept of secularism. Leaders like mahatma Gandhi who practiced religion in politics found it necessary to separate the two to prevent inequality between the mass. Jawaharlal Nehru also supported secularism ,he failed to establish the uniform civil code due to religious and political pressure. B.P Jeevan Reddy in S.R Bommai viewed secularism as a positive concept as it treats all religion equally and it is strongly connected to liberty and social justice.  [5]  According to justice P.B sawant secularism is a creed of universal brotherhood and humanism  [6]  . J.S verma observed through the case M. Ismail faruqui the concept of secularism is one facet of the right of equality woven as the central golden thread in the fabric depicting the pattern of the scheme in our constitution  [7]  . DIFFERENT SUPREME COURT JUDGEMENTS ON SECULARISM Supreme courts first recognition of secularism was in case sardar taheruddin seydna sahib v state of Bombay  [8]  . This case broadly explained the articles 25 and 26 of the Indian constitution and also specified that the secular nature of the India is the strong base of the constitution. Also in keshavnanda bharti v state of kerela  [9]  the 13 judge bench decided that secularism was the basic law of the land and it is unamendable. A land mark judgement in secularism is in the case of S.R Bommai v Union Of India  [10]  .It had important implications on the cente-state relations.The nine judge bench decided that secularism in India is based on religious tolerance.It also stated that any state government which adopted any unsecular means would be subjected to dismissal.The court dismissed BJP led state governments of Himachal Pradesh , Meghalaya, Madhya Pradesh , rajasthan and uttar Pradesh. IS INDIA ACTUALLY SECULAR? Although the constitution of India clearly states that India is a secular state it is becoming increasingly difficult to follow and maintain the principles of secularism. Hence this research article will analyse the various sectors where India has failed to uphold its secular structure. The most important challenge of Indian secularism is the growing power of the Hindus. Earlier also the country had strong ties with Hinduism which lead to the suppression of other religions. India is thus represented as a Hindu state . The discrimination can be analysed on various grounds like constitutional, religious,legislative and employment oppurtunities. To begin with article 290 A  [11]  of the Indian constitution clearly states that a sum of forty six lakhs and fifty thousand rupees and a sum of thirteen lakhs and fifty thousand rupees respectively, are paid every year out of the kerela and tamil nadu consolidated fund to the Dewaswom funds for the maintenance of hindu shrines. This is a clear discrimination of the of the constitutional provision which states that state revenue cannot be used to maintain religious institutions. Secondly the Indian government pays a sum of 413 crores a year for the haj journeys of muslims to Saudi Arabia. Andhra Pradesh pays a sum of rs 2 crore for the journey of Christians to Bethlehem. Secondly article 25  [12]  states that freedom of religion to all but article 25(2) states that social welfare and reform throwing open of Hindu religious institution of public character to all classes and sections of hindus. The constitution does not define a hindu but it clearly states a hindu is a follow er of buddhism, Jainism and and Sikhism. This classification is done for the purpose of temple entry. Hence this is clearly against the principles of secularism. Thirdly the Hindu marriage act of 1955 was a clear attempt to bring the Sikhs , jains and Buddhists under the fold of Hinduism and it clearly states that a hindu is a person who is not a sikh , muslim or parsi. Every year a population cencus is conducted in the tribal areas to determine the majority of the hindu population. Even in the legislative sphere there has been outright discrimination of secularism. In the year 1982 when a large number of dalits had converted to islam due to the oppression of the upper caste hindus, Indira Gandhi found this situation as the threat to national security. In article 25 (1)  [13]  of the Indian constitution it is clearly stated that all people will be allowed to practice and profess any religion of their choice. But in the year 1954, the congress government in Madhya Pradesh along w ith seven other states legislatures of anrunachal Pradesh , gujrat , himachal Pradesh,orrissa, rajasthan and Tripura passed laws restricting conversions from Hinduism to any other religion while allowing all conversions to Hinduism. This was done to increase and maintain the domination of hindus in the country. Even in the babri masjid demolition case which was initiated by the congress government and hindu activists to build a ram temple by destroying the masjid led to communal violence and riots between thousands of Hindus and Muslims. But Muslim victims had outnumbered the Hindu victims. The police failed to protect the Muslims and were very harsh and violent in dispersing them. The violent Hindu movement spread turmoil throughout the country putting an official end to secularism and declaring India as a Hindu state. During this period the governments of Maharashtra and uttar Pradesh sent funds to rebuild somnath temple which was officially inaugurated by Dr. Rajendra Prasad. Also in the education sphere there has been outright and violent discrimination. Article 16 (2) states that there will be no discrimination on the basis of religion for granting employment opportunities to the people. However the presidential orders of 1950 and 1956 provides benefit only to the schedule caste and tribes belonging to Hinduism , Jainism or Sikhism but not to muslim and Christians. If any person changed their religion after obtaining the job , then he / she also had to forfeit the job and other benefits that were given in course of employment. After the year 1947 the hindu army was adopted as the Indian army leaving 20000 muslims jobless. While a sikh has all the right to become an army general and occupy any post ,muslims are not given any such preferences. They are generally given the lower post . A hindu temple before the army cantonment clearly provides a picture that non hindus are not a part of our defence. The other instances proving India is a unsecular country are the ban on cow slaughter that left thousands of butchers jobless and poor people deprived of their basic nutrition. Cows are considered religious by the hindu upper caste society but not by the muslims or Christians. Most of the government ceremonies begin with hindu rituals like lighting the lamp etc. All functions of the central and state ministry begin with saraswati vardana. The inauguration of all government buildings throughout the nation and in other nations begin with a hindu puja clearly stating that india is a hindu state. N.T Ramarao the chief minister of Arunachal Pradesh did not object to spend government funds for maintaining the images of venkateshwara even though it is clearly stated in our constitution that funds of the government cannot be used for maintaining any religious institution or idol. School children of various states like Maharashtra and Gujrat are forced to perform surya namaskar. Most of the text books emphasise on Hinduism. The large stone image o f Vishnu in front of the IGP headquarters in Bangalore clearly moves against the policy of a secular state. Till 1980 all india radio programmes began with hindu lyrics like vande ma taram , vandana etc. Aligarh university , one of the oldest university in India have an annual budget of rs 245 crore that is granted by the government. Only hahal meat is served in the campus and there is no place for hindu religious ceremonies. A muslim man is allowed to practice polygamy while a hindu man is not until he converts to islam. Other instances of discrimination : In west Bengal a man named shaik azizur rehman runs a shop with the name of Rajib Mallick because reavling his original identity would lead to alot of discrimination on the basis of religion. Before going for fishing hasina khatoon takes off her arm band embossed with allah and puts vermillion to maintain a hindu appearance among the customers.  [14]  Hence all these illustrations clearly state that India is not a secular country and it is slowly becoming mono religious. Should Homosexuals Be Allowed to Legally Marry? Debate Should Homosexuals Be Allowed to Legally Marry? Debate Introduction The debate on the legality of homosexual marriages has been considered both as an unwarranted feat and as belated act of liberty worth celebrating yet this status ruins the institution of marriage. This paper is written in a thesis-antithesis-synthesis pattern, addressing the issues raised by opponents of homosexual unions as well as the reasoning of its advocates. Finally, it is gives the writers opinion a synthesis of the two opposing arguments – guided by reasoned insights. Part I: The Legal Marriage of Homosexuals is not warranted Many criticisms have been piled on the prospects of homosexuals lawful sanctification of their union. Somehow the basis of these anti-homosexuals legal marriage is not far-fetched. Here are some reasons that have been used to buttress the attitude. The legalization of same-sex unions grossly undermines the institution of marriage. A marriage that comprises of persons of the same gender is in itself a self-contradiction. When these unions are legally allowed to thrive, the institution will suffer irreparable damage. The reason being, marriage is perceived as sacred especially from the religious quarters, an institution sanctified by God between a man and a woman for mutual companionship. Children are the fruits of such holy matrimonies (Maccio, 2010). Homosexuals contradict it, allowing their passions to override the holy decree. Furthermore, same-sex unions are always considered open relationships meaning that partners involved do not necessarily have to be committed to each other sexually, psychologically, emotionally and socially. This translates into a blow to the monogamous unions and by extension holy matrimony. Same-sex unions are conventionally considered unnatural and it does not take an apt mind a second to think otherwise. So, how can an unnatural union be naturally unionable? Heterosexual relationships are the norm, both in society and in nature. Why has man, as rational as he is, been passionately driven by sexual pleasure to the heights of finding it from the same gender? Brutes in their irrationality do not indulge in this! The greatest favor that should be done them is tolerance, nothing more. They should not be validated by the state nor recognized as a form of marriage because of their abnormality and unnaturality. The legal status of this union encourages many of the same and therefore the human species is destined to extinction. It is a self evident fact that the sexual intercourse between homosexuals of whatever ilk does not procreate life. Lesbians and gays, alike have sex primarily for pleasure and therefore no human conception can arise. If say three-quarters of the human population goes homosexual, there will not be any human being left walking on the surface of this planet with at least a couple of centuries (Hollowell, 2010). Homosexuals themselves, together with their sympathizers argue that they can become good parents. To whom can they parent? Adopted children, they say. Granted, they can be even excellent parents as they claim, but the psychological development of the child or children that they are parenting is at stake. Naturally, human beings have the orientation towards the two sexes and that is precisely the reason that a female parent is referred by the child as mother, and the male parent father. So in a legal family that comprises of two fathers gays; or two mothers lesbians; how does the child under their custody expected to grow normally? Are they not putting the welfare of the child at the expense of their pleasurable adventures? Is the legal body that authorizes this abnormal family doing any justice to the child? Besides, this is a horribly repugnant precedence that the homocouples are setting to the children under their parentage. Most likely, when such children come of age, they will copy the lifestyle of their parents and there by continue perpetuating the ignoble idiosyncrasy to subsequent generations (Kuyper, 1993). Marriage is a symbol that represents cultural ideals about sex, sexuality, and human relationships. These ideals define an individuals self identity and therefore, when the traditional nature of marriage is interfered with by sneaking in homosexual tendencies, peoples basic identities are challenged (Dankmeijer, 1993). Part II: Legalization of Same-sex Unions is long overdue Quite a number of homosexuals and their supporters have been waiting with abated breath for the landmark ruling that accord same-sex unions a legal marriage status. It has been hailed as a gesture that reinstates sexual liberty to individuals who hitherto had suffered silently when this right was trampled upon. The anti-homosexuals argue that legal marriage is strictly between a man and a woman. Defining marriage on the basis of sex does beg the question of how sexes are defined. Though the traditional categories of male and female appear separate, there are indeterminate cases in reality which do not match these categories. Therefore the assumption made here is that the clarity of biological concepts corresponds to social concepts. Take for example, Daniel was born female but changed his sex and became male; and now he wants to marry his partner Chloe. By accepting the above reason, Daniel can only marry a male even though by outward appearance he is male. Put differently, if a woman changes her sex and acquires physical traits of a man, would not it be legal for this person to marry a woman? (Maccio, 2010) The consideration of marriages as a religious rite is missing the mark since exclusive religious tenets are used to define it. Consequently, legalizing homosexual marriages is a mortal sin that beckons the wrath of God to a state. It is an indubitable fact that the nature of marriage has varied in every era and from every society. Therefore, it has been difficult to find a conventional definition of marriage. Marriage has never been a creation of religion, if anything the state has always treated it as a private contract with public implications. Thus the basis of marriage was on the wishes of free, consenting adults (Cott, 2002). The claim that homosexual marriage is not a home for protection and procreation of children; hence a threat to human extinction is refutable. This claim is anchored in the assumption that sex as the natural end of marriage is for procreation. It can be argued that, following this premise, a couple whose sexual intercourse cannot bring forth a child should not be allowed to marry, all the more homosexuals. The implications of this reason would mean that heterosexual marriages with infertile couple due to various reasons are outlawed as well. Similarly, couples who voluntarily resolved to be childless should not be allowed to marry legally. The impulsion for marriage is love not children (Senreich, 2010). Opponents of homosexual marriages argue that such relationships are unnatural and abnormal and therefore should only be tolerated not legalized. Here, heterosexual relationship is taken as natural because that is what is found in nature. Since nature does not provide for homosexual relationship it is unnatural and ought to be abhorred by the society (Senreich, 2010). Well, are not human a part of nature? If yes, then homosexual relationships are also a part of this nature. Brutes which are part of this nature do not engage in legal marital contracts, does it as consequence mean that the legal marriage as an institution is unnatural and should be outlawed? The argument that legalizing homosexual marriage undermines the institution of marriage does not hold water. It baffles the minds of proponents how a legal marriage between homosexuals damage the heterosexual marriage. Consideration should be made here that the opponents use religion to smoothen their disapproval. Marriage is governed by the civil/secular law. Period (Geest, 1993). Part III: Homosexual Marriages do not merit Legal Status Having painstakingly considered the arguments from both sides of the debate on the legalization of same-sex marriages, the writer hereof opposes according legal status to such unions. To begin with, marriage as an institution derives its sanctity from interplay between instinct and reason. Considering that the sexual instinct is primarily for procreation, man ought to use his rationality to direct this force appropriately. The pleasurable part of the act is secondary and therefore should not be allowed to define a person. The reason is, if man becomes myopic with the secondary end of sexual instinct; and remains consistently so, then human species destiny is at stake. It may sound religious but thoughtful reflection reveals so. Marriage is therefore an institution where under natural circumstances male and female partners are freely allowed to procreate (Geest, 1993). However, if the primary end cannot be realized due to illnesses or old age, the intent warrants its sanctity. The proponents of homosexual marriages are largely silent on the parentage of children of homosexuals, adopted or otherwise. They secretly recognize the psychological as well as sociological damage that they wrought to the development of these children (Paul, 1993). Its not disputable that they can have the custody of children either through adoption, surrogate motherhood, artificial insemination, or previous heterosexual relationships. What is paramount here is the welfare of these little children in regard to their development into adults of sound minds. In this consideration homosexual parentage of children is looked at vis-à  -vis heterosexual. If for instance, Kathleen is being raised by two mothers, she is being deprived of the experience of being with a father. Recent research as well as the common experience suggests that a father and a mother together provide by far the best surrounding in which a child may be raised. The reason being men and women contribute different gend er-connected strengths and attributes to their childrens development. Erik Erikson differentiates the kinds of love to children: fathers love more dangerously because their love is more expectant and instrumental than that of mothers (Wardle n.d. p. 846). Children from homosexual families will are likely to exhibit the homosexual tendencies of the parents and become one of such in adulthood (Kuyper, 1993). The homosexual marriage remains unnatural not because it cannot be found existing among natural brutes which constitute nature, but because the act itself is solely for pleasure. If anything there are creatures which show tendencies akin to homosexuals. Man is endowed with incredible intellect and he should use it to discern what underlies some of his cravings before allowing himself to be held hostage by them. Conclusion To surmise, the debate on the legality of homosexual marriages has been considered both as an unwarranted feat and as belated act of liberty worth celebrating yet this status ruins the institution of marriage. As it can be seen from the text, the arguments of pro-homosexual marriages are aimed at winning rather than analyzing the facts that belie the orientation. References Cott, N. (2002). Public Vow: A History of Marriage and the Nation. New York, NY: Harvard University Press Dankmeijer, P. (1993). Journal of Homosexuality: The Construction of Identities as a Means of Survival. 24(3), pp. 95-105. Geest, H. (1993). Journal of Homosexuality: Homosexuality and Marriage. 24(3), pp.115-123. Hollowell, K. (2010). World Net Daily: Homosexuality: Evolution of the human race. Retrieved on March 24th, 2010, from:> Kuyper, E. (1993). Journal of Homosexuality: The Freudian Construction of Sexuality. 24(4), pp 137-144. Maccio, E. (2010). Journal of Homosexual: Influence of Family, Religion, and Social Conformity on Client Participation in Sexual Reorientation Therapy. 57(3), pp. 441-458. Paul, J. (1993). Journal of Homosexuality: Childhood Cross-Gender Behavior and Adulthood Homosexuality. 24(3), pp. 41-54. Senreich, E. (2010). Journal of Homosexuality: The Effects of Honesty and Openness About Sexual Orientation on Gay and Bisexual Clients in Substance Abuse Programs.57(3), pp 364-383. Wardle, L. (n.d.) Website of Family Action: The Potential Impact of Homosexual Parenting on Children. Retrieved on March 24th, 2010, from:>

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Essay --

Ethics of Dissection The use of dissection in classrooms is able to expand the knowledge of students by giving them a hands-on approach to anatomy. Dissection is one topic that is highly debated among all people who question whether it’s an ethical thing to do. According to Webster’s Dictionary the definition of the word ‘ethical’ means morally right and good or pertaining to right and wrong. The line between right and wrong is often a very thin line and many people don’t know where one ends and the other begins. I believe that dissection is an ethical way to get students more involved in learning and can give students a better understanding of the anatomical and physiological make-up of a once living organism. Creating an environment where kids are able to move around to learn instead of sitting in desks all day is important in the teaching process because the kids are able to participate directly, especially in dissection, without a teacher doing it for them. The National Science Teachers Association supports the idea of bringing in animals for dissection. â€Å"Student interaction w...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Analyzing a Major Issue, Domestic Violence as an Whole Essay

Although there are now laws against domestic violence, the issue still seems to be present in the 21st century. Once given an blind eye to is existence for decades people are now forced to face the fact that domestic violence is an major issue no matter when and where it may occur. In this essay I will be addressing the issues of: What is has been done to try and stop this violence and help the victims involved? What psychological issues that may fuel the particular act of violence? What challenges that law enforcement agencies and victims face pertaining to domestic violence and how might these challenges be addressed. And whether are not if I agree with the external peer reviewed references arguments based on domestic violence? Throughout the years domestic violence in our country was never a topic that was spoken about outside of our homes. It wasn’t until 1984 that Congress decided to bring this issue out of the darkness by inventing the Family Violence Prevention and Service Act (P. L 98-457) ( https://www. hildwelfare. gov/pubs/usermanuals/domesticviolence/domesticviolencec. cfm). This act was proposed to assist States with their efforts to increase public awareness about domestic violence and to find ways to provide government funding to provide shelter and victim assistance. I for one think that congress did the right thing for this time period in our history. But it wasn’t until ten years later that the Violence against Women Act (VAWA) (h ttps://www. childwelfare. gov/pubs/usermanuals/domesticviolence/domesticviolencec. cfm) came into play. This law helped the government establish the four titles that are within the VAWA act: Safe Homes for Women, Civil Rights for Women and equal Justice for Women in the Courts, Protections for Battered Immigrant Women and Children, and the Safe Street Act. A few years after that a new act was set into place called Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWOR). This act addresses the restraint put on battered individuals looking for work and support due to their domestic violence circumstances. This amendment give each state a loop hole to â€Å"temporarily exempt identified victims of domestic violence from meeting certain time limits and other work requirements. † (https://www. childwelfare. gov/pubs/usermanuals/domesticviolence/domesticviolencec. cfm) These acts as also helped to lead the way for â€Å"Congress to pass a law making it a federal crime for people convicted of domestic violence to own a gun (18 U. S. C. 922(g)(9)), hoping to reduce the injuries that repeat domestic violence offenders might inflict. The U. S.  Supreme Court upheld the law in the case of United States v. Hayes (2009), ruling that the law applied to any conviction based on an act of domestic violence, even if a defendant was not convicted explicitly of the crime of domestic violence. †( http://www. nolo. com/legal-encyclopedia/domestic-violence-33813. html). Domestic violence according to our Psychology 110 textbook (Franzoi, 2009) could be linked to self-regulation failure (P. 66), ambivalent sexism behavior (P. 213), and aggression associated cues (P. 441) experienced in the home. Self-regulation failure seems to become present in any situation where one spouse or the other is putting aside his/her wants to do what is considered important to the relationship, this kind of sacrifice sometimes only back fires later. Any minor incident or disagreement could cause an individual to snap that has been given up their leisure time to do something else that was thought to be important. Let’s consider the psychological concept called ambivalent sexism behavior that is found on page 213 of Franzoi, 2009. This behavior is described as â€Å"behavior directed against women based on both positive and negative attitudes including hostility and benevolence, rather than uniform dislike. The example given stated that Turkey and Brazil men and women who endorse hostile and benevolent sexist beliefs towards women justify violence against wives when they challenge their husbands’ authority or violate traditional gender roles. †(Franzoi,2009). But this is not the case in aggression-associated cues located on page 441. These particular cues seem to trigger domestic violence in the households. Some of the well-known aggression cues are weapons such as: baseball bats, sticks, knives, and guns. The less recognized cues would be hostile physical characteristics, and negative attitudes coming from either party involved in a dispute. When domestic violence is present in a home it often goes unreported. In these situations it becomes hard for police officials to step in and protect the victim. â€Å"Police and prosecutors face two common problems when it comes to arresting, charging, and prosecuting domestic violence. First, victims of domestic violence are often reluctant to report the abuse. Abuse victims may hope that the abuse was an isolated act that will not be repeated. Are secondly they may be fearful that reporting the violence will only goad their attacker into further violence. If a woman and her children are dependent on their abuser’s income, the mother may fear that reporting the violence will result in loss of financial support. Understandable though such reactions may be, the result is that most crimes of domestic violence go unreported. The last thing that makes these kinds of cases hard to prosecute is that even when victims of domestic violence report attacks to the police, victims often refuse to testify against their attackers at trial. As defendants have a constitutional right to confront and cross-examine their accusers, prosecutors usually cannot offer domestic violence victims’ statements to the police into evidence in lieu of the victims’ actual testimony in court. As a result, prosecutors must sometimes dismiss domestic violence charges. The combination of failing to report and refusing to cooperate with prosecutors makes domestic violence one of the hardest crimes to successfully prosecute. (http://www. nolo. com/legal-encyclopedia/domestic-violence-33813. html). † Victimized individuals of domestic disputes could help themselves and others by reporting the crime to the proper authorities no matter how big are small the dispute. But I can’t argue against the statement of: â€Å"domestic violence has been a constant despite differences in cultures or political regimes.. Whether it takes the form of sexual assault, physical assault, homicide, or one of the other myriad forms of abuse, societies struggling with defining otherwise criminal and abhorrent behavior rooted within a domestic, oftentimes familial, relationship. Attitudes of shame, silence, guilt, and fear battle against centuries of entitlement, tradition, and even theological tenets. (Shelley M. Santry, 2012). Often making it harder for the victim to report the crime sense he/she in so many words are â€Å"hoping that the abuse was an isolated incident† that won’t happen again. I do agree with the statement of â€Å"reporting the crime lets the abuser know that his/her behavior will not be tolerated by you or law enforcement. † (Sherman & Berk, 1984). I would also recommend that the victim of domestic violence should look for support programs and organizations that offer the help to get out a bad situation. These sorts of support groups and organizations could be run by protection agency and law enforcement to secure the safety and wellbeing of the victims involved. Prosecutors and other agencies involved in the criminal justice program could provide a service similar to witness protection for the victims of domestic violence to ensure that he/she goes to court to testify against their attacker. I agree with the statement made in (JENNETT, 2012) stating that â€Å"Changing policing practices reflect these attitudinal changes and police play a crucial role in ensuring that the rights of the battered are upheld. † Although this isn’t an easy process let’s consider the fact that everyone doesn’t see eye to eye on the issue of domestic violence. What if a police officer is an abuser him/herself? Then of course the officer that is called out isn’t going to do too much to protect the victim from the abuser. But I do disagree with the statement of â€Å"Police are not called on to protect victims of domestic violence until someone reports an incident. † (JENNETT, 2012). This is not always the case more than likely if an officer sees domestic violence in public he/she will intervene and try to settle the conflict. But these recommendations would be useless if you were a resident that resided inside the Topeka, Kansas. City limits. I honestly disagree with the decision of this city council â€Å"to decriminalize misdemeanor domestic violence cases. † (Shelley M. Santry, 2012). According to the information published this decision â€Å"came in response to the Shawnee County District Attorney, Chad Taylor, notifying the city that the District Attorney’s office would no longer prosecute such cases arising within Topeka city limits due to budgetary constraints. And my question to this article is â€Å"What about the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment? †( http://www. loc. gov/rr/program/bib/ourdocs/14thamendment. html). And the answers to these questions are yes! Depending on where you live and the state in which you reside. In my conclusion the main issue at hand goes further than domestic violence, there are criminal and civil procedures that exist in all states and countries that may or may not view this issue as a priority compared to other crimes.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on The Two Greatest Writers of Frances

of witty and his insights in the way people acted, applied well in his writings among all social classes. Like Moliere, these writers have a way with their works, which seems to in body the reader and show them things about themselves that might be selfish or greedy. Both of these writers main purpose was to teach. These works speak out about issues that people encounter throughout the course of the day and throughout their lives. Maliere’s work was aimed at singling out the wealthy tradesman for being greedy and pay... Free Essays on The Two Greatest Writers of Frances Free Essays on The Two Greatest Writers of Frances Two of Frances greatest writers were Francuis de La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680) and Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (1622-1673) both part of the French Baroque society. Both had great writing styles that differ and compare to each other. These writers, â€Å"addressed questions of human dignity and morality in a language that was clear, polished, and precise.† (Fiero,545) Poquelin and La Rochefoucauld were single handedly the best two writers in the seventeenth-century French literature because, they both knew how to capture people by using human behaviors and comedy to relate and teach them. Even though Poquelin grew up the son of a wealthy family and could have had a career in law, he gave that up for acting and play writing. Poquelin’s stage name was Moliere and he wrote many plays but one of his last ones seemed to become very famous. This play write was called, Le Bourgeois Gentillhomme, which means â€Å"The Tradesman Turned Gentleman,† which involves a wealthy tradesman trying to earn upper-class respectability. This work connects to the people, the way it uses regular human behavior to teach people. As far as Francois de La Rochefoucauld, he was France’s greatest maxim writer of all time. â€Å"A maxim is a short, concise, and often-witty saying that usually is drawn from experience and offering some practical advice,† (Fiero,545) in a way like Moliere’s work. It’s amassing how Rochefoucauld words of witty and his insights in the way people acted, applied well in his writings among all social classes. Like Moliere, these writers have a way with their works, which seems to in body the reader and show them things about themselves that might be selfish or greedy. Both of these writers main purpose was to teach. These works speak out about issues that people encounter throughout the course of the day and throughout their lives. Maliere’s work was aimed at singling out the wealthy tradesman for being greedy and pay...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Biography of Jack Johnson, American Boxing Champion

Biography of Jack Johnson, American Boxing Champion Jack Johnson (March 31, 1878–June 10, 1946) was an American boxer who became the worlds first African-American heavyweight champion. He came to fame during the Jim Crow era, when the South was still racially segregated. Johnsons success in the ring made him one of the most famous African-Americans of his time. Fast Facts: Jack Johnson Known For: Johnson was an African-American boxer who reigned as the heavyweight champion from 1908 to 1915.Also Known As: John Arthur Johnson, Galveston GiantBorn: March 31, 1878 in Galveston, TexasParents: Henry and Tina JohnsonDied: June 10, 1946 in Raleigh, North CarolinaPublished Works: My Life and Battles (1914), Jack Johnson: In the Ring and Out (1927)Awards and Honors: International Boxing Hall of FameSpouse(s): Etta Terry Duryea (m. 1911-1912), Lucille Cameron (m. 1912-1924), Irene Pineau (m. 1925-1946) Early Life Jack Johnson was born John Arthur Johnson on March 31, 1878, in Galveston, Texas. His parents Henry and Tina Johnson were former slaves; his father worked as a janitor and his mother worked as a dishwasher. Johnson left school after only a few years and went to work at the docks. He later moved to Dallas, where he first began learning how to box, and then Manhattan, where he roomed with boxer Barbados Joe Walcott. Johnson eventually returned to Galveston, where he participated in his first professional match on November 1, 1898. Johnson won the fight. Boxing Career Johnson boxed professionally from 1898 through 1928 and in exhibition matches until 1945. He fought 113 fights, winning 79 matches, 44 of them by knockouts. He defeated Canadian Tommy Burns on December 26, 1908, in the World Boxing Championship held in Sydney, Australia. This began a quest to find a Great White Hope to defeat him. James Jeffries, a leading white fighter, came out of retirement to answer the challenge. The ensuing match- known as the Fight of the Century- took place on July 4, 1910, in Reno, Nevada, in front of a crowd of 20,000 people. The fight went on for 15 rounds, with Jeffries growing wearier and wearier. He was even knocked down- for the first time in his career- twice. His team decided to surrender to save Jeffries from having a knockout on his record. For the fight, Johnson earned $65,000. News of Jeffries defeat ignited numerous incidents of white violence against blacks, but black poet William Waring Cuney captured the exuberant African-American reaction in his poem â€Å"My Lord, What a Morning: O my Lord,What a morning,O my Lord,What a feeling,When Jack JohnsonTurned Jim JeffriesSnow-white faceto the ceiling. The Johnson-Jefferies fight was filmed and became one of the most popular motion pictures of the era. However, there was a strong movement to censor the film, as many people did not want to publicize the news of Johnsons victory. Johnson won the heavyweight title when he knocked out Tommy Burns in 1908, and he held onto  the title until April 5, 1915, when he was knocked out by Jess Willard in the 26th round of the world championship fight in Havana, Cuba. Johnson defended his heavyweight championship three times in Paris before his fight against Jess Willard.  He continued boxing professionally until 1938, when, well past his prime, he lost his final match to Walter Price. Johnson was known for his defensive fighting style; he preferred to gradually wear down his opponents rather than going for a knockout. With each passing round, as his opponents became more exhausted, Johnson would ratchet up his attacks until going for the final blow. Personal Life Johnson received bad publicity because of his three marriages, all to Caucasian women. Interracial marriages were prohibited in most of America at the time. He was convicted of violating the Mann Act in 1912 when he transported his wife across state lines before their marriage and was sentenced to a year in prison. Fearing for his safety, Johnson escaped while he was out on appeal. Posing as a member of a black baseball team, he fled to Canada and later to Europe and  remained a fugitive for seven years. Wrench Patent In 1920, Johnson decided to return to the U.S. to serve his sentence. It was during this time that, searching for a tool that would tighten or loosen nuts and bolts, he made improvements  to the design of the monkey wrench. Johnson received a patent for his innovations in 1922. Johnson’s wrench was unique in that it could be easily taken apart for cleaning or repair and its gripping action was superior to that of other tools on the market at the time. Johnson is credited with coining the term â€Å"wrench.† Later Years After his release from prison, Jack Johnsons boxing career declined. He worked in vaudeville to make ends meet, even appearing with a trained flea act. He opened a night club in Harlem in 1920; it was later purchased from him and renamed the Cotton Club. Johnson wrote two memoirs, Mes Combats in 1914, and Jack Johnson: In the Ring and Out in 1927. Death On June 10, 1946, Johnson was in an automobile accident near Raleigh, North Carolina, after speeding away from a diner where he was refused service. He was rushed to the nearest black hospital, where he died at the age of 68. Johnson was buried in Graceland Cemetery in Chicago. Legacy Johnson was inducted into the Boxing Hall of Fame in 1954, followed by the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 1990. His career inspired numerous people, including heavyweight champion Muhammed Ali and jazz trumpeter Miles Davis, who recorded an album in 1971 called A Tribute to Jack Johnson. The 1910 film of Johnsons famous fight against James Jefferies was added to the National Film Registry in 2005. Johnsons life was the inspiration for the 1970 film The Great White Hope. On May 24, 2018, President Donald Trump issued a posthumous pardon for Johnsons 1912 conviction. Trump called the heavyweight champion one of the greatest that ever lived and a truly great fighter. Sources Johnson, Jack.  Jack Johnson: in the Ring and Out. Kessinger Pub., 2007.â€Å"Remarks by President Trump at Pardoning of John Arthur ‘Jack’ Johnson.† The White House, The United States Government.Ward, Geoffrey C.  Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson. Yellow Jersey Press, 2015.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Applied Psychology Research Paper Example

Applied Psychology Research Paper Example Applied Psychology Paper Applied Psychology Paper Whether it is the click wheel of your pod, your laptops touch-screen, or computer systems applications for disabled users, many types of applied psychological methods were used to design and develop them. Applied Psychology refers to the use of psychological principles and research methods to solve practical problems we humans encounter everyday. Designing computer Interfaces Like a mouse that glides without wires or the new WI game console, is only one way to apply psychology in todays world. The largest applied areas are in clinical and counseling psychology, but there many others, such as community or social psychology, educational psychology, litany psychology, health psychology and space psychology (Con, Mutterer, 2010). In this research paper I will briefly discuss six diverse fields that impact business, the environment, education, law, sports and human factors. Applied Psychology In business- Industrial/Organizational 1/0 Psychology study the behavior of people at work and in organizations (Mammoth, 2006). Though the goal of 1/0 Psychology Is to increase the productivity and well being of employees, there are two approaches on how this can be accomplished. The Industrial approach (the l In 1/0 psychology) focuses on determining the competencies needed to perform a Job, staffing the organization with employees who have those competencies, and increasing those competencies through training. The organizational approach (the o sinology) creates an organizational structure Ana culture Tanat wall motivate employees to perform well, give them the necessary information to do their job, and provide working conditions that are safe and result in an enjoyable and satisfying work environment. When these approaches are applied, the workers tasks or duties are enhanced thus improving their quality of work life through the training f leaders, better matching of people with the right Job, and improving organizational structure. There are three major areas that are vital for the success of the 1/0 psychologist: leadership, Job satisfaction and personnel psychology. We all know that the key to a successful organization is its leaders. Leadership can be thought of as a capacity to define oneself to others in a way that clarifies and expands a vision of the future (Friedman, 2001). The improvement of working culture conditions need to have some sort of rationale behind it and to better understand the rationale we must insider the two basic theories of leadership: Theory X and Theory Y. One of the earliest attempts to improve worker-task efficiency was made in 1923 by Frederick Taylor. To speed up production, Taylor standardized work routines and stressed careful planning, control and organization. Today, versions of Tailors approach are called scientific management. Leaders that tend to be task-oriented are said to be Theory X leaders. As mentioned before Theory X is grounded primarily in scientific management and is concerned only with work efficiency. Theory X leaders tend to assume that workers must be guided into being productive to provide a maximum output at a lower cost; as a result they alter conditions they believe will affect workers such as time schedules, production quotas, bonuses and so on. In Tailors time, when many large companies were manufacturers with large assembly lines, theory X leaders tend to wish that people would act more like well-oiled machines and could work without rest. How ever most 1/0 psychologist recognize that psychological efficiency is Just as important as work efficiency. The term Theory X was first coined by psychologist Douglas McGregor (1960) as a way to distinguish the dervish style associated with scientific management from Theory Y, a newer approach which stresses human relations at work. Theory Y emphasizes psychological efficiency with methods like shared leadership, management by objectives, self-managed teams, and quality circles. In short, Theory Y assumes that people are industrious, creative, and rewarded by challenging work. In shared leadership or participative management, employees at all levels are directly involved in the decision making process. In management by objectives, workers are given specific goals to meet, so they can tell if they are doing a good Job meeting the goals thou having a supervisor breathing down their necks. In any case, workers are free to choose (within limits) how they will achieve their goals; as a result they feel more independent and take personal responsibility for their work. Feedback is also quite important because workers are especially more productive when they receive favorable criticism about their progress. A self-managed team is a group of employees who work together towards a shared goal. These groups can typically choose their own methods of achieving results, as long as they are effective. These names tend to put good use of their individual strengths and talents plus they contribute new ideas and improved motivations. Most of all they encourage cooperation and teamwork, they most likely feel they are being treated fairly at work Ana develop a positive team atmosphere (Large Bayonne, 2 Hymnal In quality circles or employee discussion groups, voluntary members seek ways to solve business problems and improve efficiency. In contrast to self-managed teams, quality circles usually dont have the power to put their suggestions to work directly, but good ideas speak for themselves and many are adapted by company leaders. Quality circles have many limitations, but studies verify that greater personal involvement can lead to better performance and Job satisfaction (Egger, Burke, Seller, 1995). While Theory X makes perfect sense when you Just seek to improve production without taking into account the workers needs, the methods used by the Theory Y leader ultimately improve Job satisfaction, or the degree to which a person is pleased with his or her work. Job satisfaction influences many factors that affect business efficiency, including productivity, absenteeism, morale, and employee turnover. Job distractions promotes Job enrichment which in turn leads to workers having challenges in their tasks, positive attitude, a balanced work-lifestyle through the forming of social groups and organizational cultures, a sense of purpose and self awareness for the duties they perform. Job enrichment involves making a Job more rewarding, interesting and motivating thru the use of such methods as flextime, short work weeks and telecommuting. The most productive employees are those who are happy at work (Mammoth, 2006). Organizations can also improve their chances of success by hiring the right employee in the first place. Personnel psychology is concerned with the testing, selection, placement, and promotion of employees. It begins with Job analysis, a detailed description of the skills, knowledge, and activities required by a particular Job and include the development and use of selection procedures like interviews, biota (facts about the employee), standardized psychological (aptitude) tests, and assessment programs setup within an organization to conduct in-depth evaluations of Job candidates. In the environment- Environmental Psychology study problems related to the physical environment and design plans to solve them. The specialty of the environmental psychologist concerns the relationship between environments and human behavior. Their interest are in both physical environments, whether its natural or man-made, and social environments which is defined by groups of people and how they interact at work, a business meeting, a dance or a party. This form of psychology also studies stressful environments and problems such as crowding, pollution, and wasted resources. The rate of stress in environments vary from the ones that exist in large cities like New York (NY) with all the traffic, congestion, pollution, and crime as marred to a less dense metropolis like Orlando (FL) which would also have the same type of traffic, congestion, pollution, and crime but to a lesser extent. To this list psychologists also added crowding and noise pollution. Overpopulation ranks as one of the serious problems facing the world today. The worlds population is now more than 6 billion and experts estimate that the maximum sustainable population on Earth is between 5 billion and 20 billion. This means the Earth has already entered the lower range of its capacity (Cohen, 1995), and this is based on the last estimated world census calculated between December 2000 and June 2001. Although the results of animal experiments, dealing with overcrowding, cannot be considered as conclusive for humans, they point to some disturbing effects. In these experiments, a null level AT pathological Demeanor developed In Down males Ana Tamales. Females gave up building nests and caring for the young, pregnancies decreased, and infant mortality ran extremely high. Many of the animals became aimlessly aggressive and went on rampaging attacks against others. Social dilemmas, as well as overpopulation and over-consumption, like wasting resources, contribute to these problems. A social dilemma is any social situation that rewards actions that have undesirable effects in the long run. (Van Bug, De Creme, 2002). In a typical social dilemma, no one individual intentionally acts against the group interest, but if many people act alike, collective harm is done. In such situations, the tragedy of the commons occur, in which individuals, each acting in his or her immediate self interest, over use a scarce group resource. An example would be using an abundance of water to water your lawn during a dry spell. Whenever personal convenience or comfort is involved, it is highly tempting to let others worry about it; et in the long run everyone stands to lose. Research shows that physical strategy, like conservation and recycling to name Just two and psychological strategies can be useful in promoting a better environment. Although many problems still exist, it is encouraging to see that behavioral solutions exist for at least some of them. In education- Educational Psychology seeks to understand how people learn and how teachers instruct to improve the quality of learning and teaching. At one time or another, we all dealt with teaching something to someone which was most likely taught to you. There are six basic steps designed to use in a classroom, but it can be applied to many situations: Step 1: Learner Preparation. Begin by gaining the learners attention, and focus interest on the topic. Step 2: Stimulus presentation. Present instructional stimuli like information, examples, and illustrations in a clear and deliberate manner. Step 3: Learner response. Allow time for the learner to respond to the information presented by repeating correct responses or asking questions. Step 4: Reinforcement. Give positive reinforcements in form of praise and encouragement plus feedback like yes, thats erect, to strengthen correct responses. Step 5: Evaluation. Test and assess the learners progress so that both you and the learner can make adjustments when needed. Step 6: Spaced review. Periodic review is an important in teaching because it helps strengthen responses to key words or stimuli. Direct instruction and discovery learning are two of the most basic teaching styles that yield different student outcomes. In direct instruction, factual information is presented by lecture, demonstrations and rote practice, which basically drills the data into the learner by means of mechanical repetition. The National Institute for Direct Instruction considers direct instruction the most successful style of teaching (INFIX National Institute, 2008). In discovery learning, teachers create conditions that encourage students to discover or construct knowledge for themselves (Dean, Kuhn, 2007). As it turns out, both approaches have certain advantages. Students of direct instruction do slightly better on achievement tests than discovery students, however, discovery learners do somewhat better on abstract thinking, creative thinking, and problem solving plus they tend to be more independent, curious, and positive in their attitudes towards school (Peterson, Janice, 1979). In law- Psychology of Law is the study of the behavioral dimensions of the legal system. Psychological factors greatly affect ten law Ana Jury echelons. When a case goes to trial, Jurors must Olsten to days or weeks of testimony and then decide guilt or innocence. Studies of mock juries indicate that decisions made by Juries are not always objective and show that jurors are rarely able to put aside biases, attitudes and value while making a decision (Perlmans, Cowboy, 1983). Problems like these are troubling in a legal system thats supposed to be fair to all. In scientific Jury selection, social science principles are applied to the process of choosing a Jury. Who serves on a Jury will affect the outcome of a trial and law psychologist are often employed to advise lawyers on which potential Juror should be selected or dismissed based on certain social and psychological characteristics. Jury research is perhaps the most direct link between psychology and law, but there are others. Psychologists evaluate people for sanity hearings; do counseling in prison, profile criminals, advice politicians and lawmakers on public policy, help in the selection and training of police cadets and such more. In sports- Sports Psychology is the study of the behavioral dimensions of sports performance (Cox, 2007). As almost all serious athletes now know that to achieve peak performance, you need more than Just physical training. Mental and emotional conditionings are also important. Sports psychologist assist athletes by teaching them to relax, ignore distractions, and sharpen their emotional intelligence to attain the highest point of performance. Self-regulations strategies help focus attention and maintain optimal levels of arousal. In a task analysis, sports kills are broken into subparts, so that key elements can be identified and taught. The task analysis is then used by coaches and trainers to improve performance of motor skills which is basically a series of actions molded into one fluid movement. For example, it doesnt take much to be off target in the sports of marksmanship. The object is to hit a bulls-eye the size off Canadian dime at the end off 55-yard-long (or 165 feet) shooting range, nevertheless an average of 50 of 60 shots hit the bulls- eye with regularity in international competition according to the International Olympic Committee (OIC). Beyond keen eyes and steady hands, the marksmen are conditioned to squeeze the trigger between heartbeats. Apparently the minute tremor created by the heartbeat is enough to send the bullet off target (Belton, 1983). In Human Factors- The human factors psychologist or Ergonomics goal is to design machines, tools and work environments so they are compatible with our sensory perception and motor skill capacities. Psychologist Donald Norman (1994) refers to successful human factors engineering as natural design; because it is based perpetual signals that people understand naturally, without needing to learn them.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Concepts of Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Concepts of Nursing - Essay Example nication, critical thinking, human diversity, informatics, interdisciplinary collaboration, nursing therapeutics, professional development, and theory based practice. The review and analysis of nursing literature provides definite indication that transition remains a central theme of nursing. The proper impact of the nine concepts of nursing is needed to bring about a successful transition in individuals. (Schumacher, K. L., & Meleis, A. I., 1994) Nursing as a profession evolved from caring, and has remained embedded in caring, but being a dynamic and challenging profession has in its development brought about the need for a merging of critical thinking skills and theory based practice into the character of caring of individuals, families and communities that face a disparate range of developmental and health-illness transitions. (Philosophy). Process, direction, and change to the fundamental patterns of life have remained the universal properties in transition. Transitions occur at the individual and family level, and also organizational level. Transitional change at the family and individual level occur in identities, roles, relationships, abilities, and patterns of behavior. Transitional change at the organizational level happens in the structure, function, and dynamics. There are conditions that upon transition are determining factors in the quality and consequences of transition. These conditions are meanings, expectatio ns, level of knowledge and skill, environment, level of planning, and emotional and physical well-being. (Schumacher, K. L., & Meleis, A. I., 1994). The role of the nursing profession is promotion of a successful outcome to these transitions and hence is responsible for accounting of the conditions that impact upon transition. Caring as a concept of nursing encompasses the emotional and physical well-being aspect of transition, but proper caring requires bringing into play the other eight concepts. (Sumner, F., J., 2005). Communication

Friday, October 18, 2019

Evolutionists and Creationists Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Evolutionists and Creationists - Essay Example As explained in, evolution is founded on evidences which are attached to universal principles that elucidate visible and verified features of the human race. By learning fossil accounts we have a fine image of the evolution of human life and the series of definite features which have advanced through the years. The detection of fossils, on the other hand, has challenged several in their basic religious viewpoint. Evolution is a continuous process. On a biological stage, evolution takes place on every day basis. Being an evolutionist I am aware of the fact that micro organisms transform, reproduce and go by different types to stay alive in their atmosphere. They take in, adjust and create genetic amendment over generations so as to raise their survival time. This development of new organisms, on the other hand, causes a difficulty for the growth of new antibiotics that are not resistant to some specific micro organisms. This wires Darwin's hypothesis of natural collection. Creationists trust that all existing things were shaped and made by God. The Book of origins, a declaration of believes in the words of Moses is a consideration to have inspiration by God. The book explains the formation of the world and of the origin of human race (Adam & Eve). In accordance with Christians, this is the single material evidence to support their faith in verifying our reality. A creationist may quarrel that the knowledge of evolution cannot confirm nor contradict the reality of God or the Supreme power. Science does not make an allowance for the continuation of a spiritual element, as this can neither be measured nor examined by science with proofs to sustain trust or conviction. In addition, supernatural motions, findings, other spiritual experiences and mysterious events, which a lot of people declare to practice or examine, are possible. Science rejects these claims as 'quackery'. Creationists quarrel that the statistical possibility of our subsistence without an intellectual design is almost unfeasible. This point directs towards the existence of God or an intellectual Supreme Being. Therefore, a large amount of our humanity has the need to trust in religious conviction and the Bible as the basis of all reality. All arguments and theories are still unable to solve this riddle as to what made us. Creationists believe that there is a Powerful Being which has created us and they do not need any evidence for this statement. They have firm believe that faith is enough to get rid of questions and misconceptions. They may furthermore quarrel that if the evolutionist were right in their conviction that we are straight ancestors of the ape then why do apes still survive. Or, if we developed from a particle, where and how did that particle start off When did the time begin The creationist trust the world, time and the Supernatural Being had no commencement or ending and that God always existed, still exists and will exist eternally. However, evolutionists believe in evidences and scientific proofs. With the evolutionistic eagerness and zeal for the mission of scientific answers, this investigation will persist to be more studied until verification of our foundation is exposed. The earth has covered an extensive record of ecological, climatic, soil and water changes.

United States history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

United States history - Essay Example The issue of democracy in America in general is one which has been debated on and about for ages, and the matter of whether or not capitalism has played a larger role in the defining of American foreign policy when compared to democracy is one which is incredibly significant and relevant overall.There are many different factors which need to be taken into consideration in order to be able to properly determine the answer to this posing, and this particularly in regards to the reasons that America became involved in foreign affairs in the late 19th century, as well as the motivations for their entering both world wars and the progress of the Cold War, for instance. All of these issues have great influence on the matter of whether democracy or capitalism should be considered as being more important in the defining of American foreign policy, and thus they all must be thoroughly addressed and discussed. The aim of this paper is to consider all aspects of both democracy and capitalism wh ich are two tremendously dynamic and substantial subjects on their own, and to compare their similarities and differences in order to be able to properly determine which has played more of a role in creating and defining American foreign policy since the 1800s. We will be able to do this by discussing the previously mentioned issues as well as any and all other key and related factors relevant to this case. This is what will be dissertated in the following. The term democracy is one which is typically used in the context of a political state however the principles are also applicable to numerous other groups and organizations. There are several different forms of democracy, with the most major being: representative, liberal, direct, socialist, anarchist, tribal, and consensus. The representative, liberal, and direct forms of democracy are the most well-known, and they are considered as follows: representative democracy is the form of democracy which involves the selection of government officials by the people, and one characteristic of representative democracy in particular is that of the fact that while the representatives are elected by the people, to act in their interest, they retain the freedom to exercise their own judgment as how best to do so; liberal democracy is a form representative democracy with free and fair elections along with the protection of minorities, the rule of law, a separation of powers, and protection of liber ties; and the direct form of democracy is one which is largely referred to as being "a political system where the citizens vote on all major policy decisions. It is called direct because, in the classical forms, there are no intermediaries or representatives. All direct democracies to date have been relatively small communities, usually city-states. However, some see the extensive use of referenda, as in California, as akin to direct democracy in a very large polity with more than 20 million potential voters" (Wikipedia, 2007). Capitalism, on the other hand, is a term which generally refers to an economic system in which "the means of production are mostly privately owned and operated for profit, and in which distribution, production and pricing of goods and services are determined in a largely free market. It is usually considered to involve the right of individuals and groups of individuals acting as 'legal persons' or corporations to trade capital goods, labor, land and money" (Boyer, Clark & Kett, 2002). The first actual theories of capitalism came about in the context of the Industrial Revolution, and this followed the social theorist Karl Marx in particular, and these theories were generally used to criticize the concept. The

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Difference between Mac and PC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Difference between Mac and PC - Essay Example PC, however, was made more for businesses outside of artistic fields, with many people favoring the word processing programs that PC has to offer (Pegoraro, 2006). The other physical aspect is the designs - Macs have only a handful of designs, each based on which model you buy, while PC has dozens of different models and customization options. The real differences can be found within the different computer models. Within a Mac, every component, wire, and chip is manufactured from the same company ("What is", 2009). Within a PC, everything comes from a different company. Less problems are had with Mac, including a substantial lack of viruses, due to the fact that everything is created and programmed by the same people. If something goes wrong with any piece, it just needs to be sent and repaired by one company. With a PC, unfortunately, while the computer can be sent back to the computers brand name company, it will still need repaired by the proper company depending on the damaged component. Due to the fact that Mac is created by one company and PC is created by many, Mac has less software to offer, as it needs to be manufactured by their name company. PC can accept just about any software, given the fact that it is more versatile. This is perhaps one of the reasons why more people do prefer a PC, with the exception of those that are using Mac solely for artistic purposes. As aforementioned, one of the perks about Mac only being capable of using Mac/Apple products is that the computer has a less chance of contracting viruses. Even when it does obtain a virus, it causes less harm than it would to a PC (Pogue, 2005). Furthermore, there are very few programs that are dual-compatible, meaning they work on both systems. These programs are few and far between, and have proven to be damaging to whichever system it is being used on, especially if it had been on the other operating system prior to its second

Explain The raise and the fall of keynesianism Essay

Explain The raise and the fall of keynesianism - Essay Example This stems from the belief that unemployment is a result of insufficient demand for services and goods. This view was neoclassical and is defined as a ‘demand-side’ theory whose focus is short-run, in which aggregate demand strongly influences economic output especially during economic fluctuations such as recessions. Keynesianism was so much attached to the government policies in its advocacy (Keynes and Krugman, 2007). Keynes asserted that investment is a dynamic factor that determines the height of economic activity by responding to future expectations as well as interest rate variations. In this sense, he maintained that full employment could be fostered through deliberate action by the government. Such direct government influence on goods and services demand could be in terms of changing public expenditures and tax policies. The rise of Keynesian economics took place during later periods of World War II, the Great Depression, as well as the economic expansion after the war that is from around 1945 to 1973. Keynesianism was portrayed as a rational, beneficial, scientific advance in economic management providing a basis for triumphing over the crisis of capitalism and creation of just capitalist societies (Keynes and Krugman, 2007). The theories proposed by Keynes in the course of and after World War II gained worldwide influence and their adoption was an integral part of establishing new patterns of relations between labour and capital. This forms the basis on which the term Keynesianism is used often in broad reference to patterns of economic and political relations, which are associated with those policies and theories. The broad concept of employment, curiosity, and money proved to be a unique contribution that was acceptable to economic and political establishments propagating the spread of Keynes’s policies as well as theoretical ideas. Keynes was keen to oppose his theories to and

Visual Arts and Film Studies. Memento 200, Truffauts 400 Blows, Essay

Visual Arts and Film Studies. Memento 200, Truffauts 400 Blows, Casablanca and The Spirit of the Beehive - Essay Example The story is contrasting, as one part of the story in forward motion while the other one is in backward motion. It is refers to as one memory inside the other memory. The movie is a complicated challenging adventure where we see Leonard striving to avenge the death of his wife. This is complicated by the fact he had lost his memory, hence, was unable to recall the way the events took place from day to day. He attacked and took the life of one of the attackers that led to the death of his wife. He can only remember his wife dying from the attack from the gang. Because of this pain suffered inside, he vows continue until he gets the second man who was involved in the killing of his wife. This movie changes from the black and white flow and continues in the sequential order. The two colors coincide at the end of the story in forward and reverse manner. He describes how it is vital to have written notes that constantly remind him of the killers of his wife, written in a part of his arm, John G, the man who raped and murdered his wife. He continues with his narration and tells when he met Sammy during the time he became an investigator. Sammy has a condition that did not pass as mental disorder but he was rather unable to learn by conditioning. The life of Leonard focuses on trying to unravel the truth; this brings him to meet Mrs. Jankis who he tells that Sammy was in a position to come up with new memories. Leonard discuses with the caller, as to why the police did not buy hi story of the attackers that killed his wife. Fortunately, the person whom Leonard was seeking to turned out to be a police officer, and he gives him more clues towards his quest for his killers. Soon Leonard sets up a meeting with Joe at the lobby, who is an undercover police and prefers to be called teddy. The film then continues with the flow in contrast to the first part. Here we see teddy convincing Leonard that jimmy was the man he was looking for in connection to the killing of his wife. Natalie and Leonard go to the house and agree to stay together. She then tricks him to go and beat a man who had harassed her off her money, but before he could do that, teddy warns him of the plans of Natalie, and he leaves her. The truth is slowly becoming known, and in the morning, Leonard leaves and hide in Dodd’s’ motel, beating him senselessly, before calling teddy who persuade him to elope from the country. Leonard decides to spend the night with Natalie, as a thanks giving for helping him get Dodd. Finally, Leonard puts the clues together, and discovers that teddy was indeed the second killer of his wife. In deep aggression, he shoots teddy right in the head. Conc lusion The story reflects the quest for Leonard to find the truth of the death of her wife. He is surrounded by the main culprit, Teddy who tries to derail him in his findings. Leonard despite of his mental condition finds his way and puts clue together to finally know that teddy was the killer. Truffaut’s 400Â  Blows Question 2 This film demonstrates the steps taken by the 12 year old Antoine who was in bad terms with his parents and teachers, is seen descending into delinquency. Antoine is preparing to go to reform school, since the teachers and his parents, plus the squeezed house and classroom imprison him mentally and physically in his village. He often runs to his favorite spot where he hides fro the rest of the people. This leads him to participate in the game of hooky, which takes him to the streets where he enjoys the freedom of moving about far from the authorities. This continues to worsen as he gets more trouble both at home and school. In addition, the more trou ble he creates at

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Difference between Mac and PC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Difference between Mac and PC - Essay Example PC, however, was made more for businesses outside of artistic fields, with many people favoring the word processing programs that PC has to offer (Pegoraro, 2006). The other physical aspect is the designs - Macs have only a handful of designs, each based on which model you buy, while PC has dozens of different models and customization options. The real differences can be found within the different computer models. Within a Mac, every component, wire, and chip is manufactured from the same company ("What is", 2009). Within a PC, everything comes from a different company. Less problems are had with Mac, including a substantial lack of viruses, due to the fact that everything is created and programmed by the same people. If something goes wrong with any piece, it just needs to be sent and repaired by one company. With a PC, unfortunately, while the computer can be sent back to the computers brand name company, it will still need repaired by the proper company depending on the damaged component. Due to the fact that Mac is created by one company and PC is created by many, Mac has less software to offer, as it needs to be manufactured by their name company. PC can accept just about any software, given the fact that it is more versatile. This is perhaps one of the reasons why more people do prefer a PC, with the exception of those that are using Mac solely for artistic purposes. As aforementioned, one of the perks about Mac only being capable of using Mac/Apple products is that the computer has a less chance of contracting viruses. Even when it does obtain a virus, it causes less harm than it would to a PC (Pogue, 2005). Furthermore, there are very few programs that are dual-compatible, meaning they work on both systems. These programs are few and far between, and have proven to be damaging to whichever system it is being used on, especially if it had been on the other operating system prior to its second

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Visual Arts and Film Studies. Memento 200, Truffauts 400 Blows, Essay

Visual Arts and Film Studies. Memento 200, Truffauts 400 Blows, Casablanca and The Spirit of the Beehive - Essay Example The story is contrasting, as one part of the story in forward motion while the other one is in backward motion. It is refers to as one memory inside the other memory. The movie is a complicated challenging adventure where we see Leonard striving to avenge the death of his wife. This is complicated by the fact he had lost his memory, hence, was unable to recall the way the events took place from day to day. He attacked and took the life of one of the attackers that led to the death of his wife. He can only remember his wife dying from the attack from the gang. Because of this pain suffered inside, he vows continue until he gets the second man who was involved in the killing of his wife. This movie changes from the black and white flow and continues in the sequential order. The two colors coincide at the end of the story in forward and reverse manner. He describes how it is vital to have written notes that constantly remind him of the killers of his wife, written in a part of his arm, John G, the man who raped and murdered his wife. He continues with his narration and tells when he met Sammy during the time he became an investigator. Sammy has a condition that did not pass as mental disorder but he was rather unable to learn by conditioning. The life of Leonard focuses on trying to unravel the truth; this brings him to meet Mrs. Jankis who he tells that Sammy was in a position to come up with new memories. Leonard discuses with the caller, as to why the police did not buy hi story of the attackers that killed his wife. Fortunately, the person whom Leonard was seeking to turned out to be a police officer, and he gives him more clues towards his quest for his killers. Soon Leonard sets up a meeting with Joe at the lobby, who is an undercover police and prefers to be called teddy. The film then continues with the flow in contrast to the first part. Here we see teddy convincing Leonard that jimmy was the man he was looking for in connection to the killing of his wife. Natalie and Leonard go to the house and agree to stay together. She then tricks him to go and beat a man who had harassed her off her money, but before he could do that, teddy warns him of the plans of Natalie, and he leaves her. The truth is slowly becoming known, and in the morning, Leonard leaves and hide in Dodd’s’ motel, beating him senselessly, before calling teddy who persuade him to elope from the country. Leonard decides to spend the night with Natalie, as a thanks giving for helping him get Dodd. Finally, Leonard puts the clues together, and discovers that teddy was indeed the second killer of his wife. In deep aggression, he shoots teddy right in the head. Conc lusion The story reflects the quest for Leonard to find the truth of the death of her wife. He is surrounded by the main culprit, Teddy who tries to derail him in his findings. Leonard despite of his mental condition finds his way and puts clue together to finally know that teddy was the killer. Truffaut’s 400Â  Blows Question 2 This film demonstrates the steps taken by the 12 year old Antoine who was in bad terms with his parents and teachers, is seen descending into delinquency. Antoine is preparing to go to reform school, since the teachers and his parents, plus the squeezed house and classroom imprison him mentally and physically in his village. He often runs to his favorite spot where he hides fro the rest of the people. This leads him to participate in the game of hooky, which takes him to the streets where he enjoys the freedom of moving about far from the authorities. This continues to worsen as he gets more trouble both at home and school. In addition, the more trou ble he creates at

Tourture Or Not To Tourture Essay Example for Free

Tourture Or Not To Tourture Essay The case presented points out a terrorist that has entrenched bombs in several places of the city. He is not ready to reveal the positions of the bombs that he has planted. These bombs well explode shortly being a cause of the death of many innocent lives. The terrorists is not willing to disclose the where he has implanted the bombs using any of the standard procedures. The last option the authorities think is left is torturing the terrorist blameless wife. The authorities think using torture will be an appropriate solution to make the terrorist disclose the location of the concealed bombs. The scenario presented is incredibly sensitive one; taking any decision regarding this case seems morally incorrect. Due to the blast, if innocent people are killed without any reason that seems immoral. While if the blameless wife of the terrorist is tormented for no apparent reason that also seems unethical. Still if I had to make a decision, I would agree with the authorities to torture the wife of the terrorist. As I believe saving the lives of hundreds of people is more essential rather than doing injustice a single person. Although torturing seems an unethical tactic to use but the outcome that will be generated will be that the lives of hundreds will be saved. If we focus our attention on the results, the agony of one individual does not seem such a ghastly alternative to choose. The decision taken is falling in line with doing evil but for a noble cause. This preference is based on the utilitarian approach which is associated with providing with the The greatest happiness for the greatest number It talks about those ideas that should be adopted which leads to the betterment for the maximum number of citizens. In the utilitarian approach the appropriateness of the decision is determined by the outcome. You can use morally incorrect ways in this approach, as long as the outcome of the idea is righteous. It is summarized as â€Å"the ends justify the means for a decision† in the deontological approach the ethical law is provided the greatest weight as apposed to the consequences of the outcome which is the case in utilitarian. This ethical philosophy cannot be applicable in all cases as diverse cases have to be dealt in a distinctive fashion. (Wikipedia) Lets consider another case if ten people were traveling in a boat and due to the boat being over loaded it was sinking. If some weight was removed from the boat, that is if two people were thrown out of the boat, the boat would be prevented from sinking. Considering the utilitarian approach, it suggests that we should choose the alternative of throwing two peolple out of the boat. It gives its justification on the basis it is better to save the lives of eight people rather to leave them all to die. Although it seems morally incorrect to do this but the outcome is better for the majority of people. Utilitarianism has a very elevated ethical opinion; it supports the contentment of all, even if an individual has to pay for it.   An appropriate case in point was pointed out by Jonathon Glover is that even if a person has a lot of money and with that he can go on a tour to Europe. But the utilitarian approach suggests the â€Å"greatest good for the greatest people† hence instead of that person going on a tour he will donate the money for charity to help the greatest number of people. (â€Å"Utilitarianism and its critics† by Jonathon Glover.) Similarly in this case it is morally objectionable to make the terrorist’s wife to suffer, but a crucial step to take. Since not taking this step will lead to a disaster of hundreds being murdered, this seems morally disgusting. So the success will be in following the utilitarian approach in which most horrible scenario can be avoided. If we do not torment one person and let hundreds being killed as a result that seems a much dreadful end result than torturing one person in order to save the lives of hundreds. Hence the torturing of one person can be justified in this case as that is the only way the terrorist will reveal the exact location of the bombs and the innocent public can be saved from being ruthlessly slaughtered. The utilitarian philosophy emphasizes on accepting the least terrible proposal in comparison with the worst proposal, which is being followed in the cases mentioned above. Reference: Bentham, Jeremy (2007). The Classical Utilitarians: Bentham and Mill. Hackett Publishing Company.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Saint Juan Diego History Essay

The Saint Juan Diego History Essay Juan Diego was born in 1474 A.D. in Cuauhtitlan. Not much is known about Juan Diegos early life up until he was baptized. When Juan Diego was fifty he was baptized by a Franciscan missionary named Fr. Peter da Gand (The Holy See). He was baptized along with his wife Maria Lucia, and his uncle Juan Bernardino. Juan Diego grew up under the subjection of the Aztecs who practiced human sacrifice. These people were sacrificed by cutting out the hearts of the victims. The victims were usually adult men, but also children. The Aztecs had control over 371 towns and the law requested 1,000 human sacrifices for each town, so over 50,000 human beings were sacrificed each year. When Juan Diego was just 13 years old, he witnessed one of the most appalling events in Aztec history. The 89-year-old ruler of the Aztecs dedicated a new temple to the gods of hell and darkness, Huitzilopochtli and Tezcatlipoca. Over 80,000 people were sacrificed in just four days and four nights. After this event human sacrifices were declared illegal in 1520 by Hernando Cortes. That is when the sacrament of the Eucharist was introduced (Saunders). Juan Diego passed Tepeyac Hill one morning and he heard music and saw a luminous cloud circled by a rainbow. A ladys voice called him up to the top of the hill. This is where he saw a beautiful young woman dressed like a princess of the Aztecs. She said she was the Virgin Mary and asked Juan Diego to ask the bishop to build a church on the site. She said, I vividly desire that a church be built on this site, so that in it I can be present and give my love, compassion, help, and defense, for I am your most devoted mother . . . to hear your laments and to remedy all your miseries, pains, and sufferings (Catholic Online). The bishop was kind but unsure. He asked Juan Diego to offer proof of the womans identity. Before Juan could return to the lady, he found out his uncle was dying. Hurrying to get a priest to cure his uncle, Juan Diego missed his meeting with the lady. The lady met him on his journey and told him his uncle was cured. She told Juan to climb to the top of the hill where t hey were first acquainted. Juan was surprised to find flowers growing in the frozen ground. He gathered them in his cloak and took them immediately to the bishop. Juan told the bishop what had happened and opened his cloak. The flowers that fell to the ground out of Juan Diegos robe were called Castilian roses (which did not grow in Mexico). But the bishops eyes were set on the image of the Lady imprinted inside Juan Diegos robe. Soon thereafter, a church was built on the site where our Lady appeared, and thousands converted to Christianity. Our Lady of Guadalupe was declared the patroness of the Americas (Catholic Online). Juan Diego had converted over to Christianity only six years before the miracle of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Our Lady appeared to him four times and to his uncle once (Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary). After only eight years, over 9,000,000 Mexicans converted over to Christianity (Brother Ernest). Juan Diego lived out the rest of his life as a hermit near the shrine where his tilma had been put on display for admiration. There he cared for the church and those who came to pray there (The Holy See). Juan Diego died at the age of 74 on May 30, 1548 (Catholic Online). Juan Diegos feast day is December 9th, and Our Lady of Guadalupes feast day is December 12th (Saunders). Juan Diego was beatified on May 6th in 1990 by Pope John Paul II (The Holy See). Juan Diego was canonized on July 31st, 2002 by Pope John Paul II (Catholic Online). Pope Pius X made Our Lady patroness of Latin America in 1910. Copies of Juan Diegos tilma with the image in it have been made and sent all over the world (Brother Ernest) Saint Juan Diego can be attributed with the miracle of Our Lady Of Guadalupe. He was visited by the lady and asked to build a church there. When the priest asked for proof Juan Diego gathered flowers from the frozen ground that were not native there and brought them in his cloak. When Juan Diego arrived and let the flowers fall out of his robe , there was an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Catholic Online). I admire Saint Juan Diegos faithfulness. Juan Diego did not have to ask proof from the Lady, but instead he went straight to the priest and asked him to build a church there. I also admire how Juan Diego missed his meeting with the Lady so that he could help his dying uncle (Catholic Online). I chose Juan Diego because he was canonized by Pope John Paul II and he is my favorite pope. He is my favorite pope because he went through many struggles in his lifetime. When his homeland was under the control of Nazis, he did his studies in secret even though he knew he would get caught (Egan 12.). Pope John Paul IIs father died in February of 1941. His faith and God helped him to never stop (Pope John Paul II). There was an attempt to assassinate Pope John Paul II, and after he was released from the hospital he went to forgive the man who tried to kill him (The Fateful Day). I also chose Saint Juan Diego because I am fascinate d by the miracle of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the image of Our Lady appearing in Juan Diegos tilma in such accuracy and in such great detail (Catholic Online).